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This Site contains Investigations done By O.G.R
Around Ontario Canada.
O.G.R. is a Non Profit Group of Paranormal Researchers

Who Love the thrill of the unknown

Ghost Researchers news

New photos from St. Marys Cemetery
The Critters Lane House
The Screaming Tunnel

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Screaming Tunnel

COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that a new year has begun, it is time for Oxford Ghost Researchers to kick it up a notch and GET OUT THERE!!  We will be doing investigations at the "ACTUAL" Topping Murder House, Benwell Swamp, a trip to Wolfe Island is in the works, I have 3 absolutely freaky residences where I will be this summer, and of course our favourites the Screaming Tunnel and The blue Ghost Tunnel.  We are looking into some other locations, but they are not yet confirmed!  Check back as we are on the hunt for Paranormal activity. 

New equipement has also been purchased, and will be updated as I recieve my new toys!!